SEB-CG: Code Generation Tool with Algorithmic Refinement Support for Event-B

SEB-CG update site:

You first need to download Rodin (SEB-CG is compatible with Rodin 3.4) from here

To install a Rodin plugin you can use Eclipse Update Manager.
Before we can install the SEB-CG we need to install xText in Rodin. It can be installed as follows:
1- Open Rodin and go to Help > Install New Software...
2- Click on "Add...".
3- On "Add repository" window click enter "" in Location field and press Ok.
4- Find "Xtend IDE" under "Xtext", select it and press next to install it.
5- After installing Xtext restart Rodin.
6- Repeat steps 1 and 2.
7- On "Add repository" window click enter "" in Location field and press Ok
8- Find "SEB-CG (Scheduled Event-B Code Generator)" under "Uncategorized", select it and press next to install it.
9- After installing SEB-CG restart Rodin.

Before you can use SEB-CG you need to download program templates and translation rules for C and Java from here. You need to copy program templates and translation rules to "codegen" directory (you need to create the directory) in your current workspace.

A simple binary search algorithm example can be downloaded from here.